What brought you to Sevenpointfive?
I had problems with my metabolism, tiredness, hot flushes, sinus issues and weak joints.
What was your state of health prior to Sevenpointfive?
Very worrisome. My sinus condition was persistent despite taking chronic medication on a daily basis. My metabolism was also in a bad state. I was often constipated.
What other methods of healing have you tried and what medications were you on and for how long?
Over the counter medications for hot flushes and constipation. I also underwent surgery for my sinus condition.
What change did you first notice on the Sevenpointfive Program?
Lots of energy! Stress was relieved and I even lost a bit of weight. Hot flushes were not as regular as before. My metabolism seemed to improve and I was no longer constipated.
How long did it take for you to regain physical/mental control over life?
± 6 Weeks
How has Sevenpointfive changed the quality of your life?
I sleep better, my energy levels have improved and my hot flushes are now gone. My body feels so much better and lighter.
What products do you feel helped you the most or were a personal favourite?
Assimil8, SBO, Liver Detox, Silvermax and Energiser.
How has your opinion of the medical profession and natural health changed?
I think the natural health products don’t have negative side effects and encourage you to live healthier!
Via Fabi @ Sevenpointfive Rosebank