I was first introduced to Sevenpointfive when I attended a talk by Garth Kent.
As a keen mountain biker I decided to try out the product to increase my endurance and oxygen flow to the blood. I first utilized this on a 160 km endurance ride in August. I used Ionic Coral Calcium in my water bottles ( as opposed to my normal Hammer Nutrition supplements) and in addition I took two Energiser, Mindset and Zing every two hours.
This proved to give me exceptional stamina and I experienced no lactic acid build up, in addition, the Mindset took the edge off from an anxiety point of view on the steep technical down hill sections.
Later on in the year, my cholesterol level got slightly high (5.8 ) and I did the 5 day detox. My cholesterol levels reduced in one week to 5. Three months later and with intermittent use of Coral Calcium in my water intake, the level has reduced further to 4.3.
I feel that more should be done to educate the cycling fraternity as to the benefits of your products. Sevenpointfive has made me extremely aware of the importance of adhering to non-acidic foods, and watching general food intake.
In future if I have any ailments I would certainly utilize your products and consult your branches first, before seeking help from the medical profession. For tomorrow’s Argus cycle tour I will be taking Mindset, Zing, Energiser, Coral 8 and Ionic Calcium in my water bottles.
Andre via Sevenpointfive Hout Bay