What brought you to Sevenpointfive?
I saw a write-up on the internet and was curious
What was your state of health prior to Sevenpointfive?
I thought it was okay but I was clearly lacking a lot
What other methods of healing have you tried and what medications were you on and for how long?
This is the first for me in natural health
What change did you first notice on the Sevenpointfive Program?
Felt worse at first (during the detox period) but then started to feel good and better about myself
How long did it take for you to regain physical/mental control over life?
Still ongoing but it’s been just over a month
How has Sevenpointfive changed the quality of your life?
My energy levels are better, I can smell things better, I am tasting things that taste so good, no more headaches and my tummy is becoming settled
How has your opinion of the medical profession and natural health changed?
Most definitely, I feel healthier and good about myself. Sevenpointfive has definitely changed my life and eating habits and how i feel about my body and what I put into it.
Christine via Mark Leite at Sevenpointfive Bedfordview