What brought you to Sevenpointfive?
I like to think of my introduction to Sevenpointfive as ‘Divine timing’, I happened to be visiting the Lowveld (White River) and per chance went past the Macadamia Medical Centre to collect something for somebody and saw a sign: Dr Joanne York – Homeopath – Sevenpointfive.
I’d had Lupus Erythematosus for 8 years and I knew immediately this was my ‘last chance’ (with the conventional medicine road I was on) and so Monday morning 29 January 2007, I phoned and made an appointment for Thursday 8 February 2007 as I was relocating to White River the Monday 5 February 2007 – I needed a big change in every way! Desperate to try anything and knowing my next level was morphine I thought, if I’m going to die, trying something different couldn’t possibly make me feel worse than what I already was feeling. I also decided prior to that, that whatever I tried, I would do properly in-order to know the true result.
What was your state of health prior to Sevenpointfive?
I had been battling SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) from the year 1999 – (8 years till Sevenpointfive) – and I had experienced antimalarials, aspirin, corticosteroids, immunosuppressant – oral-chemo, NSAIDS non-steroidal anti inflammatory, DHEA dehydroepiandrosterone (male hormone), anti-depressants, antihypertensive’s, folic acid, tranquilizers and sleeping tablets! I don’t remember the rest… it is now history!!!
So – from the age of 25years, I was familiar with internal body pain and aching, exhaustion, joint & muscle swelling (all over changing every few days, coming and going), blood pressure, heart/chest pains, paining kidney’s, loss of weight, nausea & vomiting, skin rashes, herpes, hair loss, (feeling like an 85 year old arthritic body waiting for my ‘box’ to arrive!) – being a certified ‘drug addict’ which costs at the time +/- R3000,00 /month prescribed drugs only. Needless to count Dr bills, x-rays, blood tests, hospital bills etc. landing in the hospital for 3-4 day visits every +/- four months to, as they put it, ‘get me back on track!!!’. Simply put, I was a walking “chemo-costeroid”. Life was dark, dreary and sad.
What change did you first notice once on the Sevenpointfive Program?
I experienced a massive 3 week detox from hell after going ‘cold turkey’, Once the cleansing process was in motion all the symptoms gradually dissipated and the pain was manageable. I felt physically stronger; I could laugh and see the joy and light in life again. The silver lining was greater than the cloud!!!
Sevenpointfive is a gentle supporting supplement regime that helps our bodies heal themselves! I realised that we are very susceptible to what we put into our bodies or mouths! A healthy way of life – exercise, healthy eating habits, regular Sevenpointfive Coral Calcium water and a healthy positive mind- is essential. We need to listen to our bodies as they tell us what’s right and what’s not constant. We were created or designed perfectly and we can heal. If we scratch ourselves, does it heal? If we bump and bruise our body, does it fade?
How has Sevenpointfive changed your quality of life?
I am healthy, alive, full of fun, able to cycle 15km/day. I’m grateful for having been near death’s door, it teaches values in life, – live each moment to its full, don’t give up!’. I am now on a maintenance program of Sevenpointfive – by choice because it helps me feel great and manage my health! I eat a healthy diet; drink much mineral water with Coral Calcium. When I checked in with my physicians at Milpark in January 2008 – they were mind-blown to see me in the healthy condition that I was. I had a full check-up – x-ray heart, lung capacity, ECG, urine, bloods etc and was told I’m in remission, whatever I’m up to, it’s working!
And that I was rated in their books “healthier than the average healthy person”! Ha! Ha! Awesome! I sympathize with others who are ill and have sincere compassion, yet also know that if they are willing and the ‘mindset’ is there, there is a way to restore quality back to life with Sevenpointfive being their stepping stones and support!
Thank-you Garth for searching the world – sourcing Sevenpointfive – not giving up, through your own needs and perseverance and ability between disabilities of Lupus. You have helped me and many others and I cherish you as a ‘lighthouse beacon’ – clearly posting light of caution, possibility, hope, faith and love. You will be honoured for this and all you have done.
Thank-you Ingo & Dr Joanne York for all your love & being my support and encouragement.
Submitted to Sevenpointfive Nelspruit