What brought you to Sevenpointfive?
I was referred by a friend as I was concerned about my thyroid function as well as a multitude of other health issues.
What was your state of health prior to Sevenpointfive?
Poor immune system, anxiety, high blood pressure, high stress levels, poor liver and kidney function, pre-diabetic/insulin resistant, sore joints, inflammation, migraines, insomnia and low energy levels.
What other methods of healing have you tried and what medications were you on and for how long?
Conventional and holistic medicine. I was on Valdoxane for 2 years and high blood pressure tablets. I tried a variety of different natural products (Best4 and Solal) which weren’t making a difference.
What change did you first notice on the Sevenpointfive Program?
Initially I had a severe detox but after about 10 days I started to feel the change.
How long did it take for you to regain physical/mental control over life?
A month into the program I started to feel a real difference.
How has Sevenpointfive changed the quality of your life?
I am slowly starting to feel like my old self. I’m regaining my energy and my health is improving. It will be a journey but its completely worth it.
How has your opinion of the medical profession and natural health changed?
Finally, a product that seems to be working for me. I have always preferred the natural approach and to allow your body to heal itself but before now, I never had the right advice or products.
via Lauren Woods @ Sevenpointfive Rosebank