Sevenpointfive Testimonials

Pneumonia and Pleurisy

I first had a case of bad bronchitis in October 1999. I had 2 courses of antibiotics over the next 8 weeks to no avail, and ended up in bed for 5 days with this terrible flu in the U.K. In January 2000, I visited the GP in the U.K. who...

ADHD – Nature’s hope for all children on ritalin!

I have three sons. The youngest is a sweet, bright-eyed, three-year-old named James. Unfortunately, this sweet little boy would turn into a screaming, completely out of control little monster.  His temper tantrums and aggressive behaviour were so out of character and so impossible to control that it became impossible to take...

Herpes Simplex Virus

I have had the Herpes Simplex Virus 1 in my eye for the past sixteen months.  Over this period, I have seen 4 Ophthalmologists and have had treatments of steroids, cortisone, antibiotics and anti- viral tablets and ointments, all with frightening side effects. In October last year I was referred to a...

ADHD – My son is calmer and enjoying school

Raymond started on Mindset two days before the 1st term of school. Within a week, I noticed changes. Shopping used to be a nightmare with him running up and down the aisles and being loud.  The first Saturday after him starting, we went shopping and he was definitely calmer.  He walked...

I finished the Comrades thanks to Sevenpointfive

I arrived on the doorstep of Sevenpointfive on the 3rd May after having a disastrous marathon on the 30th April.  In fact, I did not complete the race and pulled out at the 41 km mark. Lorraine did a live blood analysis and suggested certain changes to my eating habits...

Low immune system after Tuberculosis

In 1995 I discovered that I had T.B. and for many years after the T.B. had been cleared from my lungs, I was left with a low immune system. This left me susceptible to every bacterial chest infection going around. I was on antibiotics almost every 2 to 3 months,...

Burnout and Memory Loss

Three years ago I suffered from burnout. I had an extremely stressful job. My memory also started to slip. I had always prided myself on having a sharp memory and in the accounts line of work, that is invaluable. My memory got so bad that I would be driving somewhere...

Epilepsy – no more attacks

My epilepsy started when I was 18 years old.  My father was also an epileptic and his problems began at the same age.  I don’t have the same kind of attacks though. If I had to describe the attacks I have had, I'd have to say that I have 2...

Epilepsy – I am off all medications

On the 4th of December 2003 I collapsed at church and woke up in hospital 20 minutes later. Had cat scan, Eeg’s, ultra sounds, blood tests etc. and was diagnosed by the neurologist with Epilepsy. I was put onto Tegretol (high doses). The attacks seemed to get worse with me. Sometimes I...

Bladder infections

I have been suffering from bladder infections for the past 3 years. I tried every possible option, including an operation. Nothing helped until I came across Sevenpointfive. I also suffered from sinus issues and had an operation in February 1998. This helped for about 6 months and then the symptoms returned. After starting...