Menstrual Issues and Vaginal Dryness

For many years, I suffered with menopausal symptoms, even since my children were younger. My General Practitioner said that HRT would help me because of the history of heart problems in our family He had prescribed a HRT Gel which I was taking for many years, but when I moved, my new Gynaecologist...

Herpes Simplex Virus

I have had the Herpes Simplex Virus 1 in my eye for the past sixteen months.  Over this period, I have seen 4 Ophthalmologists and have had treatments of steroids, cortisone, antibiotics and anti- viral tablets and ointments, all with frightening side effects. In October last year I was referred to a...

I finished the Comrades thanks to Sevenpointfive

I arrived on the doorstep of Sevenpointfive on the 3rd May after having a disastrous marathon on the 30th April.  In fact, I did not complete the race and pulled out at the 41 km mark. Lorraine did a live blood analysis and suggested certain changes to my eating habits...

Abdominal pain and Back Ache

After having been sick for a long time, with backache for 7 years and abdominal pains for three months, my husband took me to Sevenpointfive as a last resort. A live blood analysis was done and a number of things were discovered to be wrong with me.  I was put on a...

Pancreatitis and Gall Bladder Removal

Where to begin? Since I can remember, I have suffered with digestive problems. Due to the pain and discomfort suffered after eating, I eventually had a limited diet of foods I could eat without pain. After my first child (1993) I was hospitalised (ICU) with pancreatitis, colicistitus and hepatitis. The cause?...

ADD – We are looking to a brighter future!

He was born at 33 weeks gestation, weighing just 930 grams. Jonathan spent seven weeks in hospital and on discharge experienced many problems with his stomach, e.g. vomiting and colic.  He had a hernia operation at 3 months of age, and has been diagnosed asthmatic. He has also experienced learning difficulties...

Joint pain, Tinnitus, Restless Leg Syndrome

What was your state of health prior to Sevenpointfive? I had severe aches and pains all over my body, I had joint pains, I had nerve movements in my lower legs – restless leg syndrome and shooting headaches around the left side of the head. What change did you first notice once...

High blood pressure and exhaustion

What brought you to Sevenpointfive?I walked into a health shop and was advised to have a blood test done, rather that try something off the shelf. What was your state of health prior to Sevenpointfive?I love exercise, but got extremely tired after normal exercise. I had high blood pressure due to a...

No more statins or anti-depressants

For years I have suffered with inexplicable pains throughout my entire body. Numerous visits to my medical doctor - and even going as far as seeing a Rheumatoid Arthritis Specialist - yielded no relief and no explanation as to why I was in such pain. I was told that it could possibly be the Statin...

Varicose veins: The ulcer healed completely!

What brought you to Sevenpointfive Recurrent varicose vein ulcer on left ankle, hot flushes, poor circulation in the lower part of the body and legs. How was your state of health prior to Sevenpointfive? I had a varicose vein ulcer that started on Good Friday, April 2009. It was still there when I...