
Headaches have become a thing of the past

I could feel that my health was gradually deteriorating but I was not able to pinpoint the exact nature or cause of that deterioration from the medical consultations. Then I read about Sevenpointfive on the internet. My health was getting seriously compromising as I was forever tired, never had a day without...

Headaches – gone thanks to Sevenpointfive

During the year 2008 and 2009 I was suffering from major headaches every single day of my life. I went to the doctor's and he told me it may be stress and that there is no symptom of migraine headaches. He told me to keep away from nuts, cheese, chocolate, coffee...

Migraines: I can eat and drink whatever I like!

I had been suffering with bad headaches for many years, only to be told by doctors it was something I had to learn to live with besides being questioned about my marriage or if I was stressed about anything? I use to live on Migraine Packs and if I dared...

Migraines, IBS, nausea and lethargy

Sevenpointfive – My story I was always a sickly child and often missed classes at school and later college.  If there was a bug going around, I caught it. Mouth ulcers, boils, skin infections, migraines, irritable bowel syndrome, constant nausea and lethargy, constipation, mood swings and period pains were all daily occurrences...

Garth Kent’s Story

Garth Kent, founder of Sevenpointfive, survived Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Sevenpointfive was started by Garth Kent,who after suffering for 8 years with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), found a way to Cleanse, Nourish and Balance his body to overcome this incurable disease. The lupus was misdiagnosed for 3 years while Garth suffered from debilitating...