Stress and anxiety

Stressed, Depressed and Over-Medicated

What brought you to Sevenpointfive? Desperation to feel better. I wanted to feel well and alive again without prescription drugs but rather finding a natural way forward. What was your state of health prior to Sevenpointfive? My mind was in a state of panic and stress and I felt unable to cope with...

Stress: I have more energy to face the day

What brought you to Sevenpointfive? I had a lot of medical conditions that went wrong. I went from one doctor to the next (specialists, CT Scans etc) but nothing seemed to be helping and then my husband found out about Sevenpointfive. What was your state of health prior to Sevenpointfive? Horrible is all...

Depression – I feel so good!

I was severely depressed when I first went to Sevenpointfive - so much so that I was going to have a few follow up consults to ensure steady progress. I'm due for my next consult and I don't believe it's even necessary because I feel so good! I have even stopped...

Medications poisoned my body

What brought you to Sevenpointfive? I had a lot of medical conditions. I went from one doctor to the next, specialists, CT scans and so on. Nothing seemed to be helping, then my husband heard about Sevenpointfive What was your state of health prior to Sevenpointfive? Horrible is all I can say without...

My diabetes is healed: My sugar is normal

What was your state of health prior to Sevenpointfive? I was suffering from fibrosis and diabetes and also had full body swelling. I was not sleeping well, having stress nightmares and my teeth were very painful. I had itching all over my body, headaches and was very tired. I was on...

Mouth Ulcer, Pains, Tearfulness

What brought you to Sevenpointfive? General feeling of being run down, having depleted energy levels and being tearful. What was your state of health prior to Sevenpointfive? I had a mouth ulcer on my palate. My feet felt like they were burning and I had pains in my right hand and middle finger. What...

Menstrual Issues and Vaginal Dryness

For many years, I suffered with menopausal symptoms, even since my children were younger. My General Practitioner said that HRT would help me because of the history of heart problems in our family He had prescribed a HRT Gel which I was taking for many years, but when I moved, my new Gynaecologist...

Burnout and Memory Loss

Three years ago I suffered from burnout. I had an extremely stressful job. My memory also started to slip. I had always prided myself on having a sharp memory and in the accounts line of work, that is invaluable. My memory got so bad that I would be driving somewhere...

Severe ADHD from head trauma

  My mother-in-law, Vera Botha, of 23 Somerset Rd, Widenham, spoke to a colleague of yours about my daughter Marisca Le Roux, age 9 who was involved in a horrific road traffic accident last October 26.  She was coma induced and had a frontal lobectomy.  We were told she would never...