What brought you to Sevenpointfive?
I needed an alternative treatment for my daughter’s ADHD.
What was your state of health prior to Sevenpointfive?
Terrible – underweight, emotional, erratic, mood swings.
What other methods of healing have you tried and what medications were you on and for how long?
Concerta and Ritalin for ± 2 years.
What change did you first notice on the Sevenpointfive Program?
Her appetite and sleep patterns improved.
How long did it take for you to regain physical/mental control over life?
We’re still in the process.
How has Sevenpointfive changed the quality of your life?
My child is happier and healthier – she has regained the sparkle in her eyes!
What products do you feel helped you the most or were a personal favourite?
Mindset and Assimil8.
How has your opinion of the medical profession and natural health changed?
I prefer homeopathic remedies.
via Evangelina @ Sevenpointfive Bedfordview